Fundamentals of Design

UC Berkeley • Instructor: Arash Adel • Fall 2013





This series of three projects focuses on developing conceptual strategies of form and space. The study begins with applying a concept of “double negative” to spatial construction by solid and void subtraction. As voids intersect each other, they create a third spatial condition. In the process, the voids should transform each other as well as the solid volume (Landform project). From that initial exploration, the design study moves forward to develop an architectural spatial sequence that relates to specific site and human scale (Sequence project). Eventually, the final project requires incorporating the concept taken from the previous study into building design with a specific context and program requirement (Potrero Hill Branch Library project).





Double Negative


Inspired by the erosion of natural landscape, this project explores spatial variation within a void created by different forces and movements. As the climate changes, the movement of natural factors such as wind, rain, and snow create erosion to form voids underground. By developing a series of ruled surfaces as cutting objects and using a method of subtraction, space is constructed by the flows of different movements. The aim of this project is to define and organize those movements, allowing them to transform each other by intersection. These intersections then transform lighting conditions and the continuity of the space.


Double Negative - Plans.jpg

Conceptual Plans

Voids informed by intersection of surfaces / Creation of merging conditions.


Ruled Surfaces & Void

The intersection of two surfaces informs the relationship between the voids, creating a variation of spatial change and lighting conditions. The compression and expansion of space is experienced in both vertical and horizontal directions.


Interior Space / Fluidity

The intersection of two surfaces informs the relationship between the voids, creating a variation of spatial change and lighting conditions. The compression and expansion of space is experienced in both vertical and horizontal directions.




Void as mental construction


This project focuses on creating a perception of solid and void not by a method of subtraction but through a language of surface. Specifically, the project investigates creating a modular system from the study of helicoid surfaces. Through a process of aggregation that transforms from the cellular scale to the global scale, the project aims to create a continuous spatial sequence that allows pedestrians to perceive void as mental construction.


Modular System & Spatial Continuity

Voids are created by a process of aggregation. The helicoid surface, when used as an architectural study of form and space, speaks to the language of movement. It creates a continuity of circulation throughout different levels, giving multiple choices of pathway and forming voids at various scales.


Exploding Diagram

Sequential continuity of space, consisting of three types of movements / Voids frame views toward the city skyline.